If diamonds had a smell what would they smell like?

Diamonds are made up of pure carbon, and as such, they do not have a scent or fragrance. Diamonds are odourless and are generally considered to be inert materials, meaning they do not interact chemically with other substances or emit any type of odour or scent.
Therefore, we need to use our imagination to create a narrative that matches this precious commodity, long claimed to be 'a ladies best friend'.
Imagineering a fragrance to embody the qualities often associated with diamonds - such as luxury, elegance, and brilliance - might incorporate notes of precious woods, floral or fruity scents, and perhaps a hint of musk or vanilla to create a rich, warm, and alluring aroma?
What do diamonds represent to you? How do they make you feel, and what would this feeling translate as in olfactory terms??
- Tags: Fragrance Education